Saturday, August 31, 2019

Andre Derain

Andre Derain, Mountains at Colioure, 1905-exemplifeis so called mixed technique. Favism in which short strokes of pure color derived fom the work of van goh and Seurat are combined with curvilinear planes of flat color inspired by by gaugunis paintings and are nouvau decorative arts. The assertive colors, which he likened to sticks of dynamite do not record what he actually saw in the landscape by rather generate their own purely artistic energy as they express the artists intense feeling about what he saw. Henri Matisse, The woman with the hat, 1905-Like Derain Matisse was interested in deliberate disharmonies.The painting sparked controversy at the 1905 salon d’Automne. Not because of subject was depicted: with crude drawing, sketchy brushwork, and wildly arbitrary colors that create a harsh and dissonant effect. Henri Matisse, Le Bonheur de Vivre(The Joy of Life), 1905-depicts nudes in attitudes close to traditional studio poses, but the landscape is intensely bright. He de fended his aims in 1908 pamphlet called notes of a painter: â€Å"What I am after, above all, is expression,† he wrote. In the past, an artist might express feeling thourgh the figure pses or expressions that the characters in the painting had.But now, he wrote, the whole arranfement of my picture is expressive. The place occupies by the figures or objects, the empty spaces around them, the proportions, everything plays a part. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, street, Berlin- Dominating the left half of the painting, two prostitutes, advertised by their large feathered hats and fur trimmed coats, strut past well dressed ourgeois men, their potential clients. The figures appear as artificial and dehumanized figures, with masklike faces and stiff gestures.Their bodies crowd together, but they are psychotically distant from one another, victims of modern urban alienation. The harsh colors, tilted perspective, and angular lines register Kirchners expressionistic response to the subject. Ko llwitz, The outbreak-Expressionist* shows the peasants built up fury from years of mistreatment exploding against their oppressors, a lesson in the power of group action. Kollwitz said that she herself was the model for the leader of the revolt, black anna, who raises her hands to signal the attack.Her arms silhouetted against the sky, and the crowded mass of worker with their farm tools , form a jumbled and chaotic picture of a time of upheaval. Kandinsky, Improvisation No 28-First abstract work*This work retains vestige of the landscape :Kandinsky found references to nature the hardest transcend. But the work taes us into a vortex of color, line and shape. If we recognize buildings or mountains or faces in the work, then perhaps we are seing in the old way, looking for corresponences between the painting and the world where none are intended.Rather the artist would have us look at the painting as if we were hearing a shmphony, respnding insticntivley and spontaneously to this or t hat passage, and then to the total experience. Kandinsky, The Blue Mountain, 1909- shows two horsemen, rendered in the style of Russian folk art, before a looming peak in his favorite color. The flatness of the work and the carefully parallel brushstrokes show influence from Gaugin and Cezanne. Many of his works feature riders; Kandinsky had in mind the horsemen of the Apoclypse who usher in the end of the world before its final transformation at the end of time.Franz Marc, The large blue horses- The animals merge into a homogenous unit, the fluid contours of which reflect the harmony of their collective existence and echo the lines of the hills behind them, suggestion that they are also in harmony with their surroundings. The pure, strong colors reflect their uncomplicated yet intense experience of the world as March enviously imagined it. Paul Klee, Hammamet with its mosque-The play between geometric composition and irregular brush strokes is reminiscent of Cezannes work, which Kl ee has recently seen.The luminous colors and delicate washes or applications of dilute watercolor, result in a gently shimmering effect The subtle modulations of red across the bottom, especially are positively melodic. Klee who played violin and belonged to a musical family, seems to have wanted to use color the way a musician would use sound, not to describe appearances but to evoke subtle nuances of feeling. Pablo Picasso, Self Portrait, 1901- reveals his unhappiness which reveals his familiarity with cold, hunger and disappointment.In search of a more vital art inviroment, Picasso moves to paris where his circumstances improved. Picasso, Family of saltimbanques, 1905-In this mysterios composition, si figures ihabit a barren lanscape ainted in warm tones of beige and rose sketchily brushed over a blue ground. Five of the figures cluster together in the left two thirds of the picture while the sicth a seather woman curiously detached, occupies her own space in the lower right. All of the saltimbanques seem psycholically withdrawn and uncommunicative as silent as the emoty andscape they occupy.Picasso, Les Demoisleels d’Avogmon, 1907-Iberian influences is seen in the faces of the three leftmost figures, with their simplified features and wise, almond shaped eyes. The faces of the two right handed, painted in a radically different style, were inspired by African art. Given the then condesving attitudes towards primitive cultures. Picassos wholesale adoption and adaptation of their styles for a large multifigured painting , as opposed to a still life or a small genre work. Georges Braqu, houses at L’Estaque- Reveals the emergence of early Cubism.Inspired by Cezannes example, Braque reduced natures many colors to its essential browns and greens and eliminated detail to emphasize basic geometric forms. Arranging the buildings into an appoximate pyramid, he pushed those in the distance closer to the foreground, so the viewer looks uop the plane of th e canvas more than into. Georges Braque, Violin and Palette, 1909-10-the gradual abstraction of deep space and recognizable subject matter is well under way. The still life items are not arranged in illusionistic depth but are pushed close to the picture plane in a shallow space.Braque knit the various elements together into a single shifting surface of forms and colors. In some areas of the paintings, these formal elements have lost not only their natural spatial relations nut their identities as well. Picasso, Glass and bottle of suze, 1912 – Collage , a work composed of separate elements pasted together. At the center, newsprint and construction paper are assembled to suggest a tray or round table supporting a glass and a bottle of liquor with an actual label.Robert Deluanay, Homage to Bleriot 1914-pays tribute to the French pilot who in 1909 was the first to fly across the English channel. One of Bleriots early airplane, in the upper right, and the Eiffel tower below it, symbolized technological and social progress, and the crossing of the channel expressed the hope of a new, unified world without national, antagonisms. The brightly colores circular forms that fill the canvas suggest both the movement of the propellar on the left and blazing sun. Fernand Legere, Three women, 1921- Machine age version of the French odalique tradition that dates back to Ingeres.The picture space is shallow and compressed by less radically shattered than analytic cubist works. The women arranged within a geometric grid stare out blankly at us, embodying a quality of classical calm. Legers wome haveidentical faces, and their bodies seem assembled from metal parts. Boccion, Unique forms of continuity in space, 1913-an armless nude figure in full, powerful stride. The contours of the muscular body flutter and flow into the surround space, expressing the fgres great velocity and vitatlity as it rushes forward, a stirring symbol of the brave new futurist world.Malevich, The supremist paintng- consists simply of eight red rectangles arranged diagnolly on a white painted ground. Malevich called this art suprematism, short for the supremacy of pure feeling in creative art. Motivated by a pure feeling for plastic values. Brancusi, The New born, 1915-the egg symbolizes the birth or the rebirth and the pontential for growth and development. He say egg shapes as perfect, organic ovals that contain all possible life forms. Marcel Duchamp, Fountain, 1917-A porcelain urinal turned 90 degrees an signed it as mocking J. L mott Iron works.The manufacturer. Marcel Duchamp, L H O O Q, 1919-Marcel bought a postcard of the mona lisa and painted a mustache and a beard on the famous fac, and signed it with his name. he called this piece not a readymade but and assisted readymade. John Sloan, Election Night, 1914-Embodies many of the groups concerns. Theartist went out into street during a postelection victory celebration and made a sheaf of quick drawings that he turned into this painting. The work feels like a spontaneous sketch. Sloan was an avid socialist who made illustrations for several leftist magazines in those years.Dove, Nature Symbolized, no. 2-is a remarkable set of small worksin which the artist made visual equivalents for natural phenomena such as rivers, trees and breezes. Doce rendered nature as from his experience of it. Okeefe, City Night, 1926-dark tonalities, stark forms, and exaggerated perspective may produce a sense of menace or claustrophobia. . The painting seems to reflect okeefs own growing perception of the city as too confinig. Frida Kahlo, The two fridas, 1939-shows an image of Kahlo that expresses a split in her identity between Mexican and European.The European frida wear a Victorian dress while the Mexican wears peasant clothing. The blood vessel that flows through both fridas hints at the idea that the artist was injured as a teen an the painting shows her inner pain and struggle. Le Corbusier, Villa Savoye France , 1929-House outside of paris is an icon of international style. It is the best expression of his domino construction system. Frand Llyoyd Wright. Frederick C Robie house, Chicago 1906-Organized around a central chimney that marks the hearth as the physical and psychological center of the home. Frand e

Friday, August 30, 2019

Mario and the magician- Cipolla

Thomas Manna's â€Å"Mario and the Magician,† illusion, illness and deformity are only a few of the characteristics used to set the tone of the story. Prior to Cupola's Introduction, the narrator suggests that he should have escaped Tore did Veneer and the fatal Cipolin. At this moment, we have yet to experience the introduction and effects of the true Cipolin; however, we are lead to believe and imagine the worst about Cupola's character based on the narrators comments.Cupola's appearance was obviously quite distinct, like none the narrator had ever seen before, based on his detailed outline of his absurd yet arrogant appearance. Cipolin was described as having: a very distinct noticeable attire, piercing eyes, ravaged face, broken saw- edged teeth, a small waxed moustache, a pointed beard and the utmost unusual hairstyle. He was also subject too very noticeable physical deformity which was described as being awkward and uncommon.Despite Collar's discomfited appearance he was greeted with laughter and anticipation from the majority of the on-lookers who were anxiously awaiting the show. As Collar sat smoking a cigarette, calmly, he scanned the audience hoping to determine their weaknesses and placed, lent, judgment on certain individuals based on knowledge gained from years of experiences as a performer of that nature. After sometime and careful consideration, Cupola's first target was two healthy, strong, young men whom had obviously been chosen based on their brawls features.Their appearances insinuated that, perhaps, they were laborers and not of a learned environment. Cipolin, obviously assuming Just that, chooses them to perform a task that will include writing. When, they cannot complete this task they are ridiculed and mocked because of their inabilities. This was Cupola's initial attempt to demean the audience only to heighten his own esteem. Throughout the story Cipolin demonstrates the consumption of excessive amounts of alcohol to sedate hims elf, as well as, the use of his claw handle whip to command immediate attention.He brutally insults the knowledge of the people of Tore did Veneer by claiming them to be ignorant and UN- enlightened. Cipolin also displays anger through is his inability to portray patience and respect when he inflects a young man with unnecessary intestinal pain for defending his community and the people that reside there. There were other acts that followed in sequence; however, the final most memorable attack was against a ell-known respected waiter in Tore did Veneer, Mario. Mario was envisioned as a symbol of physical perfection.He was young, handsome, well respected and of gentle nature, especially to the children of the area. While Moral was on stage, Collar humiliates him in front of Sylvester, a pretty young girl, whom Moral admires. This humiliation continues when, under Collar's control, Moral Is Instructed to kiss Collar on the cheek. Moral Is mortified because of Collar's choice or method of ruled was taken too far; thus, resulting In Moral shooting and killing Collar. Some live that Mario might have over-reacted as a result of his humiliation, but perhaps he TLD.Cupola's Insecurities with himself, due to his deformities, caused him to find comfort in diminishing the self esteem of others by humiliation. The fact, that Cipolin drank excessively and used a whip to command attention during his characteristics. Cipolin tested the strength of numerous individuals and used his hypnotic abilities to hide his true intentions and emotional insecurities. Cipolin was a very unhappy person whose fate was expected to eventually end unfavorable.

Evaluation of the Role of the Internet in Higher Education.

An Evaluation of the role of the Internet In higher education. Today ‘s learner exist In a digital age. A wide range of web tools and software Is available and the Internet offers access to apparently endless sources of Information. Pupils as well as students at university have to deal with the technologies if they want to succeed.Pupils in school mostly use the computer for typing essays and looking up information for presentations, whereas students at university need access o the internet to manage their daily university routine, their whole study depends on the internet. Data bases for course and exam registration for instance, to mention just one important fact . Mark Seersucker had good reasons to explore the value of the internet and establish the social network faceable, originally established for students to get in contact with each other.Even tutors use the features of faceable to Interact with their students. The Internet offers completely new possibilities of procedu res to the schools and university systems. Easy registration for Individual chosen courses, blending learning lasses, online shared Information on specific data bases, online tutorials for help and even online exams are current methods which are well known by any student. Learning materials are being digitized and put up on data bases.And the best thing about it is that the internet applications and software you need are for free, once you have got the general equipment. Offerings of online study courses given by so called â€Å"Open Universities† enable students of any age to take study courses and graduate with diplomas. The US increase the choice of different study courses available to students regardless of their location. Another aspect to mention is the better situation for those who has to earn money beside university, to afford high study fees for Instance, since time management Is easier and free.Yet, despite all the positive things and possibilities that are opened up by the Internet, there are always some critical aspects. Using Internet meaner at flirts having all the equipment and extras you need and second having the skills to use it at all. Very often it is taken for granted that all students possess equal competence with technology but that's not the case. Some students are even forced to Join social networks against their good will.Since internet based education will be the future it is necessary to teach pupils how to use the internet, let them know about the dangers and convey the competence of evaluating internet sources. M. Len. University 2. 0 – An Evaluation of the role of the internet in higher education. Today's learner exist in a digital age. A wide range of web tools and software is available and the internet offers access to apparently endless sources of information. Each other. Even tutors use the features of faceable to interact with their students.The internet offers completely new possibilities of procedures to the schools and university systems. Easy registration for individual chosen courses, blending learning classes, online shared information on specific data bases, online tutorials for help study fees for instance, since time management is easier and free. Yet, despite all the positive things and possibilities that are opened up by the internet, there are always some critical aspects. Using internet meaner at first having technology but that ‘s not the case. Some students are even forced to Join social

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Meaningful Use Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Meaningful Use - Essay Example The modern world is evolving fast in technology innovations and the medical field is part of this evolution. The medical sector has a lot of data from the many patients that are treated on a day to day basis and it is a universal service. There is therefore need for a streamlined form of storage for its data records. The EHR system has to have the following features: simplicity, it should be natural, consistency, relay feedback, effective language use, minimise cognitive load, preserve and safeguard data. The selection for the EHR system was not done at a corporate level only, clinicians were also included in the process. Videos from various vendors were viewed by the board at Wellness Healthcare and an elimination process followed based on the product description and the board’s analysis. Those left were circulated to different departments in the organization and opinions taken down. The videos were circulated to the physicians who would be using the system. The most appropriate system was then effected. The criteria used was as follows: the system must integrate with the outpatient care, technical support offered by the vendor in installation of the system and monitoring its function ability, its customization aptitudes for Wellness Healthcare procedures and its capability to keep up with technological developments in terms of software updating. The EHR system aids in providing better healthcare services through: provision of up-to-date information regarding patients’ medical data. Enabling quick access and retrieval of information regarding patients especially in emergency situations. Storing the data in a secure manner that reveals the information securely to the patients and the physicians. Accuracy through elimination of technical errors in recording of information, billing and streamlined coding and in so doing provide safer healthcare. Improving the provider-customer relation and convenience.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Hotel management front office operations questions Assignment

Hotel management front office operations questions - Assignment Example VIP’s may have alternate areas of registration or different procedures to improve the atmosphere of exclusivity. Is the guest a walk-in and what are the differences? A guest can walk in and the difference between a walk-in and a pre-registered guest is that the former may have limitations on available rooms present if pre-registered guests already reserved their rooms. What role does the housekeeping department play in regards to registration? The housekeeping department prepares a housekeeping status report to inform front desk agents about the readiness and cleanliness of rooms. What do V/C, V/D, V/I, and O/C mean? O-O-O? V/C means vacant and cleaned, but not yet inspected. V/I means vacant and inspected. O/C means occupied and cleaned. V/D means vacant and dirty. O-O-O means out of order. Does it matter where you place a guest and how do you know their preference? It mattes where guests are placed because each room has specific characteristics that can either please or displease them. Front desk agents can know these preferences by asking them about the rooms and the facilities they prefer and referring to the guest history file, if already present. What are some of the rates given to guests and why? The room rate is the actual price charged for a given room on a given night. The rack rate is the standard or non-discounted rate for a given room type. If a guest does not qualify for a discounted price, the guest is charged the rack rate. Do they accept methods of pre-payment and how is that done? It can accept pre-payment, such as cash and card payments over the phone or online. These pre-payments are done through the reservations system. What types of credit cards are accepted and are there differences in this and a debit card? Travel and entertainment cards and bank cards with installment payment plans are some types of credit cards. Debit cards are different from credit

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

BHS 411 Issues of Terrorism Mod 3 SLP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

BHS 411 Issues of Terrorism Mod 3 SLP - Essay Example But there is no knowing what the target of the homicidal maniacs will be the next time around. â€Å"Political terrorism is not likely to disappear from the stage, but viewing it as a theater may help prevent mindless tragedies. Down go the houselights, up goes the curtain, and then—bang. The stage becomes alive with the sounds, the lights and the characters of a highly dramatic performance. The actors are political terrorists, protagonists of much modern tragedy, and their theater is the globe.† (Rubin Z. Jeffrey and Friedland Nehemia; â€Å"Theater of Terror†, Psychology Today; March 1986; p. 240) Whoever can be suspected of sponsoring terrorist attacks on the USA? True, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has been consistent in his anti-American stance. It has also been said that he has some mental health problems. But anti-American rhetoric need not necessarily translate into funding of terrorism against the USA. After all, his country is far too close to the USA for him to risk retaliation that could leave Venezuela reduced to rubble. Besides, whether or not he has mental health problems, he is not insane enough not to worry about the oil reserves in his country. Therefore, the obvious suspects need not necessarily prove guilty. Yes, Iran and North Korea are hostile enough to the USA to be expected to train and fund a terrorist attack on the USA, but the former looks far too obsessed with its nuclear ambitions to invite US retaliation; North Korea clearly lacks the resources to fund a terrorist attack. Does that mean the USA is more or less safe? No, it does not, for the very valid reason that international terrorist groups are, by and large, self-sufficient. For instance, not long ago it became known that the money that the oil-rich Saudis had given away in charity had found its way into terrorists’ coffers, and there are some rogue states willing to sell sophisticated arms to terrorist groups, little

Monday, August 26, 2019

Representation of Masculinity in Die Hard 2 Essay

Representation of Masculinity in Die Hard 2 - Essay Example As such, this paper intends to analyze the representation of masculinity in one of the Die Hard films namely Die Hard 2 by drawing on Mulvey and Neale readings as well as discussion by Taster. Hegemonic masculinity associates with social dominance on one end. On the other, it involves physical prowess, sexual virility, and aggression (Rzepka and Horsley 2010: 61). These are potentially bewildering images of action heroes. With that in mind, it is interesting to note that this hegemonic ideal is not only hard to create, but also implausible to keep up with for the contemporary male. Therefore, this figure that depicts powerful masculinity may only exist or embody in legendary heroes, mythical figures, and probably a minute number of males within a society (West and Lay 2003: 27). Die Hard 2 is a story revolving around a cop who cites in New York and on fine day to Christmas, he visits his ‘distanced’ wife who lives in Los Angeles. Upon his arrival, he finds her and the re st of her work mates having a Christmas party at the same building where they work (Gates 2006: 35). Coincidentally, there happens to be some criminals posing as political terrorists who invade the building demanding for petty yet criminalist favors like release of war criminals jailed in one of the penitentiary facilities around America. John McLane works as a New York law enforcement officer. He stays far from his wife and have some unsolved issues which act as part of the reasons as to why they are no longer in goods terms (Rzepka and Horsley 2010: 89). He is a masculine male character with virile physical prowess and social dominance as well as high level of aggression. Post analysis of Hollywood presentation of male genres characterized Die Hard 2 as male driven action movie that the audience understands to be one of the most visually explosive films with a macho that portrays Hollywood genres (Milestone and Meyer 2012: 50). This is because of its spectacular sight and relevanc e of the hard male body set forth by the main character. Indeed, extant studies and research from with the some of the feminist film theories puts across clearly that the body masculinity of an action hero gives the preferential tone for an action narrative (Caroll 2003: 79). Analysis of Die Hard 2 highlights that movie directors construct action heroes like Bruce Willis exclusively via their physicality and the way they display their bodies form a vital ingredient of the visual effects or excess that they offer in the muscular action cinema (Gates 2006: 58). Several suggestions show that American action films strive hard and frequently at the expense of developing the narrative, to contrive situations or instances for displaying the body of an action hero. Ideally, extant literature that examines both the hegemonic male and the action hero routinely expound on issues such as sexuality, race, class, nationality, and above all the body (Bould 2005: 59). Despite his ageing body prowes s, most reviewers, and critics alike, received the Die Hard Series with a lot of zeal and plausible applauds. This is due to his ability to withstand physical assaults with his male hard body irrespective of age at that particular time (Berg 2002: 80). You should note that masculinity change must take place

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Brand Positioning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Brand Positioning - Essay Example The Asian chocolate market is the driving sale and likely to hold about 20% of the market share of the global chocolate market in 2016 and sales of chocolate in the Asian market is likely to boost up share from $15billion to $19.7billion in 2016. US leads the chocolate market with a market share of 86.3% in North America, Japan has a market share of 39.7%, Europe with a market share of 16.4% and Germany accounts for 15.9% (Markets and Markets,† Markets and Markets: Global Chocolate Market worth $ 98.3 billion by 2016†). Five major brands chosen for the project in the chocolate industry includes Cadbury/Kraft, Mars, Nestle, Ferrero and Hershey. Cadbury/Kraft food generated total sales of $19,965 in 2011 and accounts for 15% of the market share in global chocolate industry; Mars generates sales of $16,200 and has a market share of 15% in 2011; Nestle sales stood at $12,808 with a marker share of 13%; Ferrero Group accounted for $9612 and market share of 7% and finally Hersh ey foods generated sales of $6112 with market share of 7% (ICCO, â€Å"The Chocolate Industry†). Selection of characteristics Brand positioning is based on certain characteristic depending on the product or the brands. The product chosen is chocolate and therefore four major characteristics of the product chosen are quality, taste, price and image of the brand. Quality forms an integral part and chocolate and quality goes hand in hand. In the chocolate industry ingredients like cocoa, cocoa butter, sugar, fats, flavorings and emulsifier plays an essential role in the quality of the product. Quality of chocolate is dependent on the quality of raw materials (Chocolate Source, â€Å"What Makes a Good Quality Chocolate?†). Taste is another important factor in the positioning of the brand. Consumers tend to consume chocolate for taste. Dark chocolates are consumed only for its taste and all the brands take effective measure in order to produce and manufacture chocolates wit h good taste. Price although is not that important when it comes to brand and brand name but cannot be ruled out completely. The top chocolate brands prices their products almost at par which implies stiff competition in the chocolate industry. Therefore the four characteristic will help to determine the positioning of each of the brands in the chocolate industry. Group selection justification In order to analyze the positioning of the chocolate brands two set of groups are taken into considerations, the female consumers and the male consumers. The sample size of male and female consumers taken into consideration is above the age group of 18 years. The female consumers group usually loves chocolates and loves to consumer variety of chocolates. The other set which are the male group will help to determine the reason behind the consumption of chocolate and the most preferred brand by the consumers. The female group of consumers will help to provide feedback regarding innovation, packa ging, taste and other added feature required by a brand. Both the groups play an essential role in developing the brand name and image of the product and are core of any product. The males are taken into consideration to overrule the existing believe that chocolates are consumed and loved by females to a very high extend. The male segment of the society also prefers chocolate and to determine

Saturday, August 24, 2019

You choose a topic Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

You choose a topic - Case Study Example High cost of drug abuse in work place is also a justification for workplace drug testing. The propensity of drug abuse in work place increases randomly the operational cost in an organization. Drug abuse in workplace reduces employees’ productivity, it also increases the insurance premium, and it as well leads to the increase in the number of employees who are fired or die as a result of drug abuse. Drug abuse in workplace also increases the administrative cost; it leads to decline in employees’ morale, increased theft cases, damage of properties in workplace as well as tarnishing the company public image. All this negative effect affects unconstructively the organization performance. To maintain the required performance in an organization, frequent workplace drug test is extremely critical. Workplace drug testing is also justified by increased conspicuous accidents resulting from drug abuse. The 1982 accident on the USS Nimitz was as a result of workplace drug abuse. Other accidents that are related to workplace drug abuse also include the 1987 locomotive accident which caused death of sixteen people while other 176 were injured. In 1989 large oil tanker spilled million of crude oil into water bodies in Alaska. The split led to the loss of animal life as well as the destruction of social and economic structure in the area. All this accident was a result of drug abuse in workplace. These accidents led to the introduction of omnibus transportation employees Act of 1991. The Act required alcohol and drug testing to all transport employees (William, 2002) The workplace drug testing has been blamed vehemently for violating employees civil rights. Drug testing especially urine test is seriously condemned for violating individual privacy rights. To avoid false positive results, employees are requested to state all the over –the- counter drugs and other prescriptions used within the last thirty days. This requirement exposes

Friday, August 23, 2019

Indonesian Music and Korean Music Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Indonesian Music and Korean Music - Case Study Example It is said to have originated in 16th century before the arrival or introduction of Islam in Indonesia, because of this, it is slightly modified, had change in new ways and absorbed new contexts (Harnish and Rasmsmusen). According to Harnish and Rasmussen, it is a large ensemble consisting of predominantly tuned, percussion instruments such as metallophones, hanging gongs and kettle gongs. It consists of two basic categories, pencon which are knobbed gong instruments and wilahan or slabbed key instruments (Spiller 60). It is composed of several gongs with different pitches based on the differences in thickness of surfaces, sizes, shapes and weights. It can be arranged vertically or suspended horizontally and struck with a use of a mallet. Slab key instruments compose of ten to fifteen rectangular metal bars arranged from left to right, from smallest to largest. The timbre of the metal bars depends on the softness or hardness of mallet use when playing the instrument. Gamelan Sekaten is a gamelan piece. It has a cyclical pattern and can be played repeatedly many times (Spiller 69-71). It is associated with the Muslim festival Garebeg Maulud, birth of the prophet Mohammed during Muslim holy week. No drastic changes have been done in gamelan sekaten because of its historical values. Javanese treats the instrument not as an ordinary instrument but a symbol associated with history, royal legitimacy and link to the past. No new pieces have been composed and the instruments have not been tuned ever since to preserve its originality, prevent distracting its venerability and diminishing symbolic potency (Spiller 70-72). Due to its status symbol and importance in history that can be traced many centuries ago, gamelan sekaten has. Banquet music is played to entertain. Korean banquet music is divided into three categories, the aak or Chinese ritual music, tangak, Koreanized Chinese ritual music and the hyangak or the Korean ritual music. According to Broughton et al. (p. 1 61) aak was the first to be introduced to Korea by Chinese in 1116 and has been modified and changed through the years. Contemporary aak originated from the reconstruction in 1430 with the use of written melodies dated back to twelfth century. Only two melodies have survived though the years and played only in Sacrifice to Confucius using Chinese originated ritual instruments. May states that (p.32) Tangak means music from the T’ang dynasty China, ak means Korean term for music. Tangak has only two orchestral pieces and hyangak pieces are originally created on fifteenth century to suit Korean royal ancestors. To this day hyangak pieces still exist that is still closely related to fifteenth century notations. Its purpose was to entertain the royal ruling class in informal form and subdivided into two, the chong-ak and sog-ak. Chong-ak is for the royal ruling class while sog-ak is for ordinary people. Court music includes ritual, banquet and military music. It consists of voice , musical and instrumental components. It usually starts in a slow pace and progresses into a cheerful dance pace until the end. Court music should be approved and accepted by the ruling class. In addition, the circumstance of its performance should also then be approved

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Questions Educators must ask Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Questions Educators must ask - Essay Example Ever since Charles Darwin published his book , 'The Origin of the Species' in the nineteenth century, scientific thought has been focused on the theory of evolution. Many experiments have been conducted on the subject of evolution. According to a recent report in The Economist, many of the researches are motivated by "pre-conceived ideas that one lot of people are somehow better than another lot rather than being a disinterested investigation of regional variations in a single species and the evolutionary pressures that have created them." (The Economist ) This attitude of some scientific researchers questions the methods and assumptions that they follow. The assumption that experiments on animals give us a better insight into human nature also falls in this category. Human beings belong to the family of mammals, which inhabit the earth with millions of other organisms, from the largest to the tiniest. The erect walk, freeing the hands , the retractable thumb and the big brain with its enormous problem solving capacity, makes the human being seem to be highly advanced. But at the same time we must not forget that all inhabitants of the earth share the same water and atmosphere. This makes them partners in a symbiotic relationship. To think that human beings are advanced animals seems to be logical, but at the same time, the actions of human beings in jeopardizing the health of the planet we live in seems to show that they are not so advanced after all. No other animal on earth causes wars, is so greedy that it steals from its own home, nor changes the climate. An important question that an educator must ask himself is, "Are we innocent or evil Are we pre disposed to make appropriate or inappropriate choices" All human beings are born with a conscience which tells them whether an action is good or bad. According to Kantian theory, a human being is pre disposed to make choices for the good of the society as a whole. As Will Durant puts it, ""The most astounding reality of all our experience is precisely, our moral sense, our inescapable feeling, in the face of temptation, that this or that is wrong".(Durant 270) According to Kant, people follow the moral law regardless of profit or loss to themselves. As human beings, we are predisposed to make the appropriate choices. We are born with a feeling of goodness in our hearts. The so called evil actions are a result of greed and hatred fomented by circumstances. To the question, "Are we a collection of components or a unitary structure" the answer is obvious. Since we are a part of the planet, with a symbiotic relationship with myriad other living things small and big, we cannot consider ourselves as a unitary structure .Our nature as human beings has made us gregarious. We learn better in social settings. Since our brains are programmed to learn by active construction of meaning and design, we acquire knowledge by the Active learning process. Human learning is enhanced by the social interaction. Life itself is interaction with other persons or animals. A small

Androids History Essay Example for Free

Androids History Essay Apps can be downloaded from third-party sites or through online stores such as Google Play (formerly Android Market), the app store run by Google. In June 2012, there were more than 600,000 apps available for Android, and the estimated number of applications downloaded from Google Play was 20 billion. Android became the world’s leading smart phone platform at the end of 2010. For the first quarter of 2012, Android had a 59% smart phone market share worldwide. At the half of 2012, there were 400 million devices activated and 1 million activations per day. Analysts point to the advantage to Android of being a multi-channel, multi-carrier OS. HISTORY: Android, Inc. was founded in Palo Alto, California, United States in October 2003 by Andy Rubin,Rich Miner Nick Sears and Chris White to develop. Google acquired Android Inc. on August 17, 2005, making Android Inc. a wholly owned subsidiary of Google. VERSION HISTORY: Android has been updated frequently since the original release of Astro, with each fixing bugs and adding new features. Each version after Astro and Bender is named in alphabetical order. List of Android version code names: ? Android consists of a kernel based on the Linux kernel 2. 6, with middleware, libraries and APIs written in C and application software running on an application framework which includes Java-compatible libraries based on Apache Harmony. Android uses the Dalvik virtual machine with just-in-time compilation. The main hardware platform for Android is the ARM architecture

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Barriers to Accessing Reproductive Healthcare

Barriers to Accessing Reproductive Healthcare Hina Mirza As a part of Reproductive Health Course year III BScN, for community clinical we went to karimabad colony to assess family needs related to health. There I visit one family that I choose as my secondary client. After assessing different dimension of health when it comes to Reproductive health assessment, I took initiative by asking about normal menstrual cycle of the mother and her daughter as both were alone in the room. The mother told me that she has reached to menopause and the girl who is 22 year old was having normal Menstrual cycle. Further I proceed to another concern that has been came into noticed is leucorrhea; Studies shows that the prevalence of leucorrhea in Pakistan is very high which is 12%. (Chris Kenyon, 2013). The girl nod the head into yes while responding to me but her facial expression seems to be anxious towards me. I tried to dig on to this query which I had in mind that whether the girl has any concern related to reproductive issue which she thinks needs to t reated. After completing my question I made an efforts to ask more questions but it seems difficult for me when it comes to reproductive health because I was not confident and familiar with the vocabulary that is used in reproductive health and on the other hand it was my first interaction with that family so I don’t want to invade their privacy or make them feel uncomfortable. As soon as I finished my part the mother stated that â€Å"Yes, she complaint sometimes about discharge that is irritating and smelly and in addition to it some burning sensation in perineal area, might be she is having infection†. Afterwards I wanted to ask to the girl about characteristics of discharge and sexual behaviors that lead to infection as stated by her mother but suddenly, her Father came into the room and I stopped myself from asking more about it because I feel that it will bother her to talk about it in front of her father as well as I lost my confidence level in this particular c omponent of health, in terms of privacy. Moreover, she also felt uncomfortable and tried to change the topic. When I reflect back the situation, I feel I should not discontinue the topic because the girl might have some serious issue related to the discharge and there might be some reproductive health concerns that were in her mind. That is why when I asked her about the discharge, she respond to it so anxiously and promptly and it seems like that she wanted to share something with me. When I analyze at my part, that why this incident happened to me was firstly, due to lack of confidence in dealing with reproductive concerns of the client. According to Literature, â€Å"More general predisposition, such as comfort and confidence, that might influences nurses openness to dealing with patient sexuality† (Cort et al., 2001) Secondly, my own sociocultural barriers that how should I invade someone else privacy and also client’s perception that they might have while discussing such stuff. This made me overprotective for the conversation supported by the literature that â€Å"The first line of inquiry culminates in the classification of nurses as liberal or conservative in their views about specific sex-related behaviors† moreover according to literature, Reproductive health is not openly discussed in many cultures of the world and that is why client hesitate to raise questions and concern related to these issues with their health care provider (Tsai. Y, 2004). Thirdly, the communication problem contributes major part to this incident, it seems difficult for me to decide what best vocabulary and way of communication enable health care provider to make client understand about the main focus of the discussion evident by literature that â€Å"Communication about health and sexuality often differs by ethnicity, age, socioeconomic status, geographic location, and sexual o ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­rientation. Communication patterns can form serious obstacles to care†( Moss.T, 2004) Lastly, if I look at the surrounding one more barrier in discussion was privacy factor because of her father came into the room and that made me hold back the discussion. Few of the things that I could have done so that I can help out the patient at that time related to their reproductive health issues by maintaining my confidence level by increasing competency in reproductive health nursing before visiting the client. According to the article, Nurses’ state that they do not initiate to assess reproductive health of client due to insufficient knowledge regarding problem that patient might raise during conversation (Magnan.M et al., 2005). In addition to it I could have kept my sociocultural barriers aside and making client needs as priority because reproductive concerns are majorly remain unaddressed and it has been observed that client wait and expect health care provider to initiate these topics. â€Å"Although patient have said that discussion with nurses is appropriate and that they would prefer having nurses initiate the discussion† (Magnan.M et al., 2005). Last but not the least if her father came into the room I could have been st op for a while but after seeing appropriate time I should have made the first move to ask her about her reproductive concern or if still she is uncomfortable I could tell her to talk to me in privacy, may be in other room or as she prefer. As evident by literature â€Å"Lack of confidentiality is often a barrier to the delivery of health care services, especially reproductive health care, for adolescents† (Committee on Adolescent Health Care, 2010) To conclude if this kind of scenario ever happens again the experience will facilitate me to boost up my confident by making me realize my mistake of neglecting one patient’s health. Besides this by gaining more competencies in vocabulary, knowledge and communication pattern in reproductive health will help me to address the client needs and initiate the concerns in which client face difficulty to elaborate. References Kenyon, C., Colebunders, R., Crucitti, T. (2013). The global epidemiology of bacterial vaginosis: a systematic review. American Journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 209(6), 505-523. Tsai, Y. (2004). Nurses’ facilitators and barriers for taking a sexual history in  Taiwan. Applied Nursing Research, 17(4), 257-264. doi: 10.1016/j.apnr.2004.09.011 M,T. (2004). Barriers to Health Care for Youth of Color. Retrieved from barriers-to-health-care-for-youth-of-color Committee Opinion(460). (2010). Retrieved from The American College of obstetricians and Gynecologists womens health care physicians website: Opinions/Committee on Adolescent Health Care/co598.pdf?dmc=1ts=20140501T1128433150 Magnan,M.A., Reynolds,K.E., Galvin,E.A. (2005). Barriers to Addressing Patient Sexuality in Nursing Practice.MEDSURG NURSING,14(5). Retrieved from

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Compare And Contrast Two Successful Global Companies Commerce Essay

Compare And Contrast Two Successful Global Companies Commerce Essay In this paper we shall evaluate, compare and contrast two successful global companies: UPS and UPS is the worlds largest package delivery company and a leading global provider of specialized transportation and logistics services (UPS, n.d.). It continues to diversify in its product offering. UPS is the third largest employer in the US and has been operating for the last 103 years. On the other hand, is one of the successful survivors of the internet boom in the late 90s. By 2008 Amazon had become a global brand with other 76 million active customers accounts and had earned itself the reputation of offering earths biggest selection of books. Being a company that was founded in 1995, it is not surprising that is still led by its visionary founder Jeffrey Bezos. has a small management core that co-ordinates a virtual/boundary less organisational structure that has been necessitated by the nature of its business. UPS on the other hand is run by a highly centralized management committee that is mostly organized into functions. At the global level we find business units. Both organizations though are structurally organized to enhance efficiency along their supply chains. According to Lambert and Cooper (2000): One of the most significant paradigm shifts of modern business management is that individual businesses no longer compete as solely autonomous entities, but rather as supply chains (p.65). Further, in this emerging competitive environment, the ultimate success of the single business will depend on managements ability to integrate the companys intricate network of business relationships (Lambert Cooper, 2000). The two companies differ here in that whereas UPS owns most of its supply chain operations as epitomized by its 400,000 employees, 600 plus airplanes, more than 90,000 delivery trucks and 72,000 retail outlets manages its supply chain through a network of partnerships with companies such as Toys R Us and Borders in the US, and Waterstones in the UK etc. Indeed, as new technologies provide opportunities to radically change business and industry economics, the need to frame strategy and its executionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦has become increasingly importantà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦for executives and entrepreneurs who are searching for opportunities to create and exploit game-changing innovations (Applegate, 2008, p.21). Information Technology (IT) has been central to both organizations though manifested differently in their strategies. For UPS, IT has been the potential change factor for the last decade. By building up their IT network and database capacity through such innovations as eLogistics and UPS OnLine Tools the company was able to redefine its core business through what Varian (2003) refers to as new combinations of productive means. The case for is different because it is an e-business where IT is a fundamental component. Nevertheless, has been able to develop proprietary technologies with the functionality and features that simplify and improve there customer shopping experience. It is this that made the organisation to prosper while other dot-coms failed. has been able to achieve awareness, customer loyalty and repeat purchases, a form of customer lock-in According to Varian (2003) this tact by reduces dispersion of willingness to pay, which is a form of price discrimination and increases barriers to entry. When we look at the effect of Porters five forces to these two companies we are enabled to understand their strategic intents better. In the case of UPS we see a highly competitive industry with strong brands to compete against such as FedEx, DHL and US Postal Service. The few strong brand names, high fixed costs, trade tariffs and international regulations make entry into this industry difficult thus reducing threat of new entrants. Buyer power is moderate in spite of the low switching costs for customers because individually they are too small to have an impact. Threat of substitutes is low considering that few competitors can match UPSs airfreight. The biggest threat for UPS comes in the form of strong supplier power. This is manifested through labor problems, fuel costs and capacity constraints for example UPS reported a fourth-quarter 2007 net loss of $2.58 billion mainly due to a $6.1 billion pension-related charge. For industry rivalry is also high especially with such competitors like eBay, Barnes Noble and Wal-Mart, high threat of substitutes from specialist e-commerce sites e.g. Apple iTunes store for music downloads and low power of suppliers such as publishers who find competition with online companies so expensive and challenging that they prefer entering into partnerships. Though the capital expenditure required to enter into e-commerce is low has been able to reduce threat of new entrants through demand side benefits of scale, development of proprietary technologies, brand identity and effective and efficient distribution channels. According to Porter (2008): Demand side benefits of scale arise in industries where a buyers willingness to pay a companys product increases with the number of other buyers who also patronize the company (p.4) The future performance projections for UPS for at least the next five years should be high considering that the company has been able to successfully transform itself from one oriented towards becoming the leading package delivery company into an enablers of global e-commerce. In spite of this the company has also successfully maintained its strong culture that has made it have a low rate of employee turnover throughout its history. The firms commitment to continual development of game changing business models e.g. leasing its call center capacity to a customers, supporting and managing entire back-end systems for corporations like Nike etc, and its quick embracing of new technologies are bound to keep UPS very competitive for the near future. though is in a less predictable industry where disruptive technologies have the ability to change the entire industry overnight. Moreover, e-commerce aspiring entrants armed with new capacity and hungry for market share could easily ratchet up the investment required for to stay in business (Porter, 2008) which is not the case for UPSs industry. Customers in this industry are also more fickle as their online experience evolves and could easily be drawn to substitute offerings. Nevertheless, we cannot take away Amazon.coms relentlessly focus on customer experience and customer loyalty which enabled them survive the dot-com bubble burst. With the visionary founder till at the helm we should expect to maintain its competitive edge.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The French and Indian War Essay -- essays research papers

In July 1755, a few miles south of Fort Duquesne, now Pittsburg where the Alegheny and Monongahela rivers meet, a combined force of French and Indians ambushed British and colonial troops. This catastrophe was to ultimately become the starting point of the French and Indian War. During the â€Å"Seven Years War†, as the French and Indian War is commonly called, there were wins and losses on both sides, but ultimately the British were victorious with the help of William Pitt. However, the War caused England many economic, political, and ideological tribulations with the American colonists. In response to a French threat to England’s western frontiers, delegates from seven northern and middle colonies gathered in Albany, New York, in June 1754. With the patronage of administers in London, they sought two goals: to persuade the Iroquois to abandon their traditional neutrality and to coordinate the defenses of the colonies. This Albany Congress succeeded in neither. While the Albany Congress representatives deliberated, Governor Robert Dinwiddie of Virginia sent a small military force westward to counter the French moves. Virginia claimed ownership of Ohio, and Governor Dinwiddie hoped to prevent the French from founding their permanent post there. However, the militia group was too late, for the French were already constructing Fort Duquesne at the strategic point where the Monongahela and Allegheny Rivers meet. George Washington was twenty-two and commanded the Virginian militia who attacked a French detachment and eventually surrendered after a day-long battle d uring which more than one-third of his men were killed or wounded. Washington had made a huge mistake that would eventually set of a war that would encompass nearly the entire world. â€Å"America, mayest well rejoice, the Children of New England may be glad and triumph† (Doc. E). Led by William Pitt, a civilian official that was placed in charge of the war effort in 1757, Britain pursued a military strategy that was lacking in the years prior. In July 1758, British forces recaptured the fortress at Louisburg, cutting off the major French supply route. In a spectacular attack in 1759, General James Wolfe’s soldiers defeated the French on the Plains of Abraham and took Quebec. A year later the British captured Montreal, which was the last French stronghold on the continent, which ended the American phase of the... ... was one that largely left them alone. The Whigs warned the people to guard against the government’s attempts to encroach on their liberty and seize their property. Rulers would try to corrupt and oppress the people and only the elected representatives could preserve their precious yet fragile liberty. Britain’s attempt to tighten the reigns of the government and to raise revenues from the colonies in the 1760’s and early 1770’s convinced many Americans that the Real Whigs’ reasoning applied to their current circumstances. The colonists believed that the excessive and unjust taxation could destroy their freedom. Though willing to contend for their rights, the colonists did not seek independence. They rather wanted some measure of self-government. Throughout the course of the French and Indian War and its aftermath, England and the American colonists had a tough time in their economy and government. With a depleting treasury, high taxation plans, and a floundering government the American and British colonists had many conflicts with each other. However, these two independent and strongly reliable countries came through their problems in time and overcome the hardships they faced.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Not here :: essays papers

Not here Most people think that the U.S. constitution was just ratified and there was no arguments over its passing. In fact there was almost enough opposition that it came very close to not being passed. It was the Hamiltonians vs. the Jeffersonians in almost all cases. Even before the United States Constitution was ratified there was debate over whether or not to have a strict interpretation or a loose one. There was also debate over a State’s right to nullify a law. As memories of Shay’s rebellion and the reality of the Whiskey rebellion came to the front the issue of undue force became an issue. One of the other major issues during this era was the debt and the national bank. Although the constitution was passed there was much debate over whether it should be a strict or loose interpretation. Hamilton’s federalists thought it should be loose and Jefferson’s democratic-republicans strict. If it was strict then the federal government would only have the powers specifically given to it because of the tenth amendment. Too justify it being loose the federalists used the elastic clause (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18) and then they could decide what was necessary and proper. Hamilton thought that the only way â€Å"to protect states sovereignty and at the same time have a national government would be to have a strong central authority†. The Kentucky and Virginia resolutions brought to the front a very important matter of concern, a state’s right to nullify a law. The federalists said that if a state could nullify a law then what did the laws mean. The democratic-republicans thought that if a law hurt a state unduly then it could be nullified. â€Å"Resolved,† the Kentucky Legislature declared in its opening paragraph, â€Å"that whensoever the General Government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force.† Supreme authority in America, it argued, was held not by the federal government but by the people and the states, and Congress and the president had only those powers clearly delegated to them by the Constitution. This issue would not be settled until the civil war This is one of the pivotal moments of politics at that time the federalists were thrown out in 1800 mainly because of this. Another cause for concern about the new government was the use of undue force. The democratic-republicans thought that Washington used too much force in putting down the whiskey rebellion.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

How to have a relationship Essay

A relationship is a way of connecting. The connection could be between people or objects. Listening to my grandmother talk about relationships helped me understand how things have completely changed over times. My grandmother stated that relationships where more valued back then and people stayed together for all the right reasons. She informed me that when you loved someone you loved them like no other. When it came to marriage they lasted longer than they do now. Having a relationship with someone was the thing to do. At one time relationships actually had meaning people were with each other because they loved them. This showed me the commitment part of relationships, when people actually stayed faithful to the person they were with. Nowadays men and woman say I love you just for the fun of it. But be honest everyone you know or knew either ant’s a relationship, has a relationship or has played a role in one either as the main lover or the sideline. Relationships are complicated, complex commitments that we take seriously or play around with like a rag doll. Serious relationships start from the mind knowing what it is that you want how you want it and how you’re going to get it is the first step in committing to a relationship. Yes commitment can be very hard to do. Especially when were accustomed to doing things our own way; without having to answer to someone else. Understanding the person you are trying to commit to is a good way to start a serious relationship. It is important to gather as much information as possible and take as much time as needed to ensure that you know the person that you are in a relationship with. Taking the steps and looking at past relationships can help you understand if the relationship might be what you are looking for in life. It is true that no matter how long you have known a person you may never truly know who that person really is. It is also important to know what we want before committing ourselves in. Whether that relationship is a marriage or just a boyfriend/ girlfriend committing to someone should begin with feelings being involved. Relationships become complicated when you have disagreements, other people etc. I feel that it takes two to make a relationship work and if both parties are not commented then it will never work. It’s like the eighty-twenty rule which explains that one person is giving there all and all and the other person only gives what is necessary at that time. How can a relationship work if both parties are not on the same level and are not committed to each other? Complicating in relationships come from problems that we cause ourselves, from not committing or giving our all to the relationship. As for myself I’ve had a few relationships in my day. Some good ones and then some that I would give anything to take back and wish that I had never committed myself to. Not saying that you would have the same outcome as I did but just make sure that the love is real. If we go into a relationship knowing that we are not there for a long time then it makes the relationship less complicated. In these type situations just make sure that you inform the person with how you feel before going into the relationship. It is important to have a clean understanding of what each party wants. Having false feelings in a relationship can be the most hurtful thing when you actually find out so therefore try to avoid coming into these situations. Communication is a huge part of a serious successful relationship. Communicating with your partner is a very good stress reliever and understanding method. Having communication builds trust and loyalty, which are two other things that are very important in a relationship. When a person is in a relationship they expect their partner to be understanding, have good listening skills and be there when they need you. Sometimes it’s just best to sit back and listen to what the other person had to say. You never know what you might learn about your partner if you just listen. Always remember to keep the lines of communication open throughout the relationship. For me, I think that one of my biggest downfalls in previous relationships is the lack of communication between my partner and me. I also have problems with my partner not being able to support himself and maybe even helping me every now and then, don’t get me wrong I’m not asking him to take care of me in no means what so ever but help every now and then would be good. As I did research on the topic of relationships, I learned that there are several steps that can be taken to have a successful relationship. First it is important to ensure that you trust your partner. Does your partner’s communication lift you just to bring you right back down? How do you and your partner deal with conflict in your relationship? Do you have compatible financial values? When you are thinking about starting a new relationship think about some of these questions. They might help you to understand the relationship better and if that’s what you really want. Maintaining a trusting and lasting relationship is going to require some work on both sides and especially in these times. As long as there is trust and communication between both parties then there is a good chance that the relationship will work. I plan to take my time and know the person that I intend to be in a serious relationship with. I don’t want to hurt anyone and I definitely don’t want to be hurt. I look forward to finding love one day that is meaningful and lasting but until then I will continue to inform my partner how I feel and what I am looking for in the beginning. I will ensure the line of communication stays open.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Haptic Technology

1. 1 What is *Haptics*? Haptics refers to sensing and manipulation through touch. The word comes from the Greek ‘haptesthai’, meaning ‘to touch’. The history of the haptic interface dates back to the 1950s, when a master-slave system was proposed by Goertz (1952). Haptic interfaces were established out of the field of tele- operation, which was then employed in the remote manipulation of radioactive materials. The ultimate goal of the tele-operation system was â€Å"transparency†. That is, an user interacting with the master device in a master-slave pair should not be able to distinguish between using the master controller and manipulating the actual tool itself. Early haptic interface systems were therefore developed purely for telerobotic applications. {draw:frame} {draw:frame} Fig. 2. 1Basic architecture for a virtual reality application incorporating visual, auditory, and haptic feedback. †¢ Simulation engine: †¢ Visual, auditory, and haptic rendering algorithms: Compute the virtual environment’s graphic, sound, and force responses toward the user. Transducers: Convert visual, audio, and force signals from the computer into a form the operator can perceive. The human operator typically holds or wears the haptic interface device and perceives audiovisual feedback from audio (computer speakers, headphones, and so on) and visual displays (a computer screen or head-mounted display, for example). 2. 2 System architecture for *haptic* rendering: {draw:rect} {draw:rect} {draw:rect} {draw:frame} {draw:frame} Fig 2. 2Haptic rendering divided into main three blocks S- contacts* occurring between an avatar at position X and objects in the virtual environment. Fd- *return* the ideal interaction force between avatar and virtual objects. Fr- Force to the user 1. Collision-detection algorithms detect collisions between objects and avatars in the virtual environment and yield information about where, when, and ideally to what extent collisions (penetrations, indentations, contact area, and so on) have occurred. 2. Force-response algorithms compute the interaction force between avatars and virtual objects when a collision is detected. This force approximates as closely as possible the contact forces that would normally arise during contact between real objects. Hardware limitations prevent haptic devices from applying the exact force computed by the force-response algorithms to the user. 3. Control algorithms command the haptic device in such a way that minimizes the error between ideal and applicable forces. The discrete-time nature of the haptic- rendering algorithms often makes this difficult. The force response algorithms’ return values are the actual force and torque vectors that will be commanded to the haptic device. Existing haptic rendering techniques are currently based upon two main principles: â€Å"point-interaction† or â€Å"ray-based†. In point interactions, a single point, usually the distal point of a probe, thimble or stylus employed for direct interaction with the user, is employed in the simulation of collisions. The point penetrates the virtual objects, and the depth of indentation is calculated between the current point and a point on the surface of the object. Forces are then generated according to physical models, such as spring stiffness or a spring-damper model. In ray-based rendering, the user interface mechanism, for example, a probe, is modeled in the virtual environment as a finite ray. Orientation is thus taken into account, and collisions are determined between the simulated probe and virtual objects. Collision detection algorithms return the intersection point between the ray and the surface of the simulated object. *2. 2. 1 Computing contact-response forces*: Humans perceive contact with real objects through sensors (mechanoreceptors) located in their skin, joints, tendons, and muscles. We make a simple distinction between the information these two types of sensors can acquire. 1. Tactile information refers to the information acquired through sensors in the skin with particular reference to the spatial distribution of pressure, or more generally, tractions, across the contact area. To handle flexible materials like fabric and paper, we sense the pressure variation across the fingertip. Tactile sensing is also the basis of complex perceptual tasks like medical palpation, where physicians locate hidden anatomical structures and evaluate tissue properties using their hands. 2. Kinesthetic information refers to the information acquired through the sensors in the joints. Interaction forces are normally perceived through a combination of these two. To provide a haptic simulation experience, systems are designed to recreate the contact forces a user would perceive when touching a real object. There are two types of forces: . Forces due to object geometry. 2. Forces due to object surface properties, such as texture and friction. The first type of force-rendering algorithms aspires to recreate the force interaction a user would feel when touching a frictionless and textureless object. Force-rendering algorithms are also grouped by the number of Degrees-of-freedom (DOF) necessary to describe the interaction force being rendered. 2. 2. 3 Surface property-dependent force-rende ring algorithms: All real surfaces contain tiny irregularities or indentations. Higher accuracy, however, sacrifices speed, a critical factor in real-time applications. Any choice of modeling technique must consider this tradeoff. Keeping this trade-off in mind, researchers have developed more accurate haptic-rendering algorithms for friction. In computer graphics, texture mapping adds realism to computer-generated scenes by projecting a bitmap image onto surfaces being rendered. The same can be done haptically. 2. 3 Controlling forces delivered through *haptic* interfaces: Once such forces have been computed, they must be applied to the user. Limitations of haptic device technology, however, have sometimes made applying the force’s exact value as computed by force-rendering algorithms impossible. They are as follows: †¢ Haptic interfaces can only exert forces with limited magnitude and not equally well in all directions †¢ Haptic devices aren’t ideal force transducers. An ideal haptic device would render zero impedance when simulating movement in free space, and any finite impedance when simulating contact with an object featuring such impedance characteristics. The friction, inertia, and backlash present in most haptic devices prevent them from meeting this ideal. †¢ A third issue is that haptic-rendering algorithms operate in discrete time whereas users operate in continuous time. {draw:frame} ?Finally, haptic device position sensors have finite resolution. Consequently, attempting to determine where and when contact occurs always results in a quantization error. It can create stability problems. All of these issues can limit a haptic application’s realism. High servo rates (or low servo rate periods) are a key issue for stable haptic interaction. There are two main types of haptic devices: †¢ Devices that allow users to touch and manipulate 3-dimentional virtual objects. †¢ Devices that allow users to â€Å"feel† textures of 2-dementional objects. 3. 1 LOGITECH WINGMAN FORCE FEEDBACK MOUSE {draw:frame} fig. 3. 1 logitech mouse Fig. 3. 1 shows a Logitech mouse which is attached to a base that replaces the mouse mat and contains the motors used to provide forces back to the user. {draw:frame} Fig. 3. 2 Phantom Used in surgical simulations and remote operation of robotics in hazardous environments {draw:frame} Fig3. 3 Cyber Glove Cyber Glove can sense the position and movement of the fingers and wrist. {draw:g} The basic Cyber Glove system includes one CyberGlove, its instrumentation unit, serial cable to connect to your host computer, and an executable version of VirtualHand graphic hand model display and calibration software. The firm introduced haptic technology for the X-by-Wire system and was showcased at the Alps Show 2005 in Tokyo. The system consisted of a â€Å"cockpit† with steering, a gearshift lever and pedals that embed haptic technology, and a remote-control car. Visitors could control a remote control car by operating the steering, gearshift lever and pedals in the cockpit seeing the screen in front of the cockpit, which is projected via a camera equipped on the remote control car. With many new haptic devices being sold to industrial companies, haptics will soon be a part of a person’s normal computer interaction. REFERENCES: http://www. sensable. com/products/datafiles/phantom_ghost/Salisbury_Haptics95. pdf http://www. wam. umd. edu/~prmartin/3degrees/HAPTIC%20TECHNOLOGY1. doc http://www. sensable. com http://www. logitech. com http://www. technologyreview. com

Exploring Methods Of Coast Protection Environmental Sciences Essay

A stipulation for a successful shoreline Restoration undertaking is that all the parties involved have some apprehension of the coastal morphological procedures. They are so in a place to understand why the present state of affairs has developed and why certain solutions will work and others will non. The followers should be considered in connexion with shoreline protection and direction undertakings: See the coastal country as a dynamic natural landscape. Make lone intercessions in the coastal procedures and in the coastal landscape if the involvements of the society are more of import than continuing the natural coastal resource. Appoint particular subdivisions of the seashore for natural development. Demolish inexpedient old protection strategies and re-establish the natural coastal landscape where possible. Minimise the usage of coastal protection strategies, give high precedence to the quality of the seashore resource, and concentrate on shore protection. Continue the natural fluctuation in the coastal landscapes. Restrict new development/housing close to the coastline in the unfastened uninhabited coastal landscape. Allow merely such installations, which require entree to the sea. Maintain and better the public entree to and along the beach, lawfully every bit good as in pattern. Reduce pollution and enhance sustainable use of coastal Waterss. This leads to the practical guidelines for shore protection in connexion with seashore protection, shore protection and shore Restoration undertakings. They are mentioned in the following paragraph. Work with nature, for case by re-establishing a starving coastal profile by nutriment and by using site-specific characteristics, such as beef uping semi-hard headlands. Choose a solution which fits the type of coastline and which fulfils as many of the ends set by the stakeholders and the governments as possible. It is rather frequently impossible to carry through all ends, as they are frequently conflicting and because of budget restrictions. It should be made clear to all parties, which ends are fulfilled and which are non. The adviser must do it wholly clear what the client can anticipate from the selected solution ; this is particularly of import if the undertaking has been adjusted to suit the available financess. Propose a support distribution, which reflects the fulfillment of the assorted ends, set by the parties involved. Manipulate the rate and gradient of the littoral impetus rate and gradient by usage of a minimal figure of constructions. Preserve subdivisions of untasted dynamic landscape where possible. Let protection steps merely if valuable buildings/infrastructure are threatened. This policy will continue the natural coastal resources and the neighbouring subdivisions will have stuff as a consequence of eroding in the unprotected country. Secure transition to and along the beach. Enhance the aesthetic visual aspect, e.g. by understating the figure of constructions. Few and larger constructions is usually better than a batch of little constructions. Preferably allow merely undertakings which deal with an full direction unit/sediment cell and which have maximum shore protection. Individual undertakings tend to concentrate on seashore protection. Minimise care demands to a degree, which the proprietor ( s ) of the strategy is able to pull off. A stand-alone nourishment solution may at first glimpse appear ideal, but it will usually non be ideal for the landholders, as recharge will be required at short intervals. Secure good local H2O quality and understate the hazard of pin downing dust and seaweed. Secure safety for swimmers by avoiding constructions bring forthing unsafe rake currents. Avoid protected beaches as these give a false feeling of safety for hapless swimmers. Protected beaches at exposed sites tend to endure from sand pin downing in the sheltered country. If the H2O is excessively unsmooth for swimming, a swimming pool, perchance in the signifier of a tidal pool, is a good solution. Provide good beach quality by procuring that the beaches are exposed to moving ridges, as the moving ridges maintain the attractive sandy beaches. This will of class limit the clip when swimming is possible, but doing protected beaches frequently means safety jeopardies, hapless beach quality and hapless H2O quality. Be realistic and matter-of-fact, maintaining in head that the natural untasted coastline is utopia in extremely developed countries. Create little attractive locations at otherwise strongly protected stretches if this is the lone realistic possibility.Overview of Types of Coast Protection, Shore Protection and Sea DefenceProtection of the seashore and the shore against the erosive forces of moving ridges, currents and ramp rush can be performed in many ways, and protection of the seashore and the backwoods against deluging adds even more types to the protection defense mechanism steps. The pick of the step in a given state of affairs depends on the three primary conditions: The job ( coast eroding, beach debasement or implosion therapy ) The morphological conditions ( the type of coastal profile and the type of coastline ) The land usage ( infrastructure/habitation, diversion, agribusiness etc. ) Some of the steps have chiefly one map, which e.g. is the instance for a revetment. It protects the seashore against eroding, but aggravates shore eroding. Beach nourishment, on the other manus, protects against seashore eroding every bit good as against shore debasement.Management of the seashoreDune stabilizationFrom Coastal WikiJump to: pilotage, hunt Dunes are a natural coastal characteristic on reasonably exposed and exposed seashores. Dunes are formed by the sand, which blows inland from the beach and is deposited in the country behind the coastline.BackgroundDuring storm rush events, the pes of the dunes can be eroded but the dunes act as a really flexible buffer zone, which protects the backwoods from eroding and implosion therapy. The scoured stuff supplies stuff to the littoral budget understating the general eroding along the full subdivision of shoreline. During the storm and besides during more normal events, sand will be transported inland, sometimes in connexion with the formation of air current back streets in the dune row. After the storm, the damaged dune will bit by bit be built up once more, possibly somewhat more inland. This means that a dune Acts of the Apostless as a natural flexible seashore protection and sea defense mechanism steps. It moves backwards parallel with the gnawing coastline and at the same clip it maintains its signifier and volume every bit good as a broad beach. This is a natural quasi-equilibrium state of affairs. The eroding of dunes as a consequence of a terrible storm rush is besides referred to as dune eroding. However, the natural balance will switch if the dune flora is damaged by croping or if beach-users, etc. bring forth excessively much traffic, etc. This may do the dunes to degrade ensuing in loss of the protection provided by the natural dunes. At the same clip the sand blowing inland causes assorted sorts of harm. Consequently, governments usually tend to protect dunes by modulating their usage. In some instances governments have been really eager to protect the dunes by seting marram grass and puting fascines in the air current back street to pin down the sand. ( Fascines are the placing of pine or titivate subdivisions ) . This has, in some instances, resulted in a complete repair of the dune place and an unnatural growing in tallness. Consequently, the flexibleness of the natural dune is lost ensuing in a gradual disappearing of the dune due to eroding, whereby the protection, provided by the natural dune system, is lost.MethodFig. 1. Marram planting and the placing of spruce fascines in air current back streets ( Danish Coastal Authority [ 1 ] ) . Planting marram grass and puting up spruce fascines for caparison of sand and sweetening of dune build up. Larger wind back streets can besides be filled unnaturally anterior to seting. However, as mentioned above, the protection should non be so comprehensive that it wholly fixes the dunes. Newly planted flora in peculiar can be strengthened by utilizing fertilizer. Restrictions for their usage can besides protect the dunes. Croping in dune countries is prohibited in most states, and governments frequently limit public entree. Such limitations may modulate the traffic in the dunes, e.g. by forbiding motor traffic. Different options are paved walk-to transitions in countries near parking tonss and fencing delicate freshly planted countries.Functional featureDune stabilization is a sustainable protection step, heightening the natural protection ability of dune countries. It protects against moving ridge and storm rush onslaught and at the same clip it preserves the natural coastal landscape, if performed reasonably. Dune stabilization requires a planned and coordinated attempt.ApplicabilityDune stabilization is applicable on all coastal types where natural dunes occur. This is particularly the instance on reasonably exposed to exposed seashores with perpendicular to really oblique moving ridge ( air current ) onslaughts, types 1M to4M and 1E to 4E . Artificial dunes are besides used as a sea defense mechanism construction.Cliff stabilizationFrom Coastal WikiJump to: pilotage, hunt Coastal drops can be unstable due to the combined consequence of several factors, discussed in this article along with methods to brace them.BackgroundCoastal drops can be unstable due to the combined consequence of several factors, such as: Erosion of the pes of the drop caused by wave action and storm rush Skiding or weathering of the incline due to geo-technical instability. The eroding of the pes of the drop usually initiates geotechnical instability, but the sliding/collapse can be of different nature depending on the geo-technical conditions of the incline. There are fundamentally three different state of affairss: If the stuff is non-cohesive stuff, the weathering of the drop ailment usually occur at the same time with the eroding of the pes as a talus formation, which is the aggregation of fallen stuff organizing a incline at the pes of the drop. If the stuff is a mixture of clay, silt, sand and bowlders, such as in the instance of moraine boulder clay, the incline can be really steep for a period due to the cohesive forces, but the incline will finally fall in. Smaller or bigger fractions of the drop will fall in connexion with groundwater force per unit area, frost impact or general weathering, or by skiding. Skiding will particularly happen in connexion with groundwater force per unit area. If the stuff consists of fictile clay or silty clay, the prostration of the drop will be in the signifier of slides, which can travel far behind the top of the drop. Weathering of the drop by air current conveyance of sand. This will be most marked if the drop stuff is sand ; nevertheless, besides exposed drops dwelling of other types of stuff can be eroded by sand blown over the drop from the beach.MethodThe basic cause of cliff instability is usually the marine eroding of the pes of the drop, extenuation of this is covered under the protection method: Revetment. Installing the revetment will except farther eroding of the pes, but at that phase the incline of the drop may really good be so steep that enduring and sliding may still happen. This can be counteracted by the undermentioned agencies: Artificial smoothing of the incline, if there is adequate infinite at the pes every bit good as at top of the drop for this. This will antagonize future uncontrolled weathering and sliding. Smoothing of the incline by make fulling with farinaceous stuff at the pes of the drop. This requires that there is sufficient infinite at the pes of the drop for the filling. Establish a flora screen on the drop. This can best be done by following the above-named smoothing of the incline. Good flora protects against enduring and groundwater ooze, and thereby to some extent against skiding Drain of groundwater. This can be used if the drop suffers from skiding due to high groundwater force per unit area and hapless drainage conditions. Horizontal and perpendicular drains can be used every bit good as the ordinance of the surface overflow. Cliff inclines are frequently aa‚ ¬Aâ€Å"protectedaa‚ ¬A? by dumping miscellaneous rubbish, such as subdivisions etc. , over the drop. It is a bad aa‚ ¬Aâ€Å"solutionaa‚ ¬A? because it does non halt the hazard of skiding. On the contrary, it spoils the flora and thereby increases the hazard of skiding.Functional featureCliff stabilization presupposes that the pes of the drop has been stabilised. Stabilization counteracts the natural behavior of drops to skid and endure. Such an active drop is portion of the dynamic coastal landscape and should therefore in rule be maintained as an incorporate portion of this landscape.ApplicabilityCliff stabilization can be applied at all reasonably exposed to open seashores ; nevertheless, in order to continue the dynamic coastal landscape drop stabilization should merely be used meagerly. Continuing the active drop at dumbly populated seashores is usually non executable due to the limited infinite. Consequently, cliff stabilization is usually merely used when there is sufficient infinite in the backland to let some smoothing.Repairing the coastline by constructionsDefinition of Breakwater:A construction dividing land and H2O countries. It is designed to forestall coastal eroding and other harm due to beckon action and storm rush, such as implosion therapy. Breakwaters are usually really monolithic constructions because they are designed to defy the full force of moving ridges and storm rush. In pattern, breakwaters and revetments are synonyms. Fig. 1. Examples of seawall constructions. A breakwater is constructed at the coastline, at the pes of possible drops or dunes. A breakwater is typically a aslant concrete construction ; it can be smooth, stepped-faced or curved-faced. A breakwater can besides be built as a rubble-mound construction, as a block breakwater, steel or wooden construction. The common feature is that the construction is designed to defy terrible beckon action and storm rush. A rubble-mound revetment frequently protects the pes of such non-flexible breakwaters. A rubble-mound breakwater bears a great similarity to a rubble-mound revetment ; nevertheless a revetment is frequently used as a addendum to a breakwater or as a stand-alone construction at less open locations. An open butch, which has been strengthened to defy wave action, is sometimes referred to as a breakwater.Functional featureThe about perpendicular breakwater, which was chiefly used in the yesteryear, had the unfortunate map of reflecting some of the moving ridge energy, whereby the eroding was aggravated, ensuing in accelerated disappearing of the beach. However, all sorts of breakwaters involve beach debasement as they are used at locations where the seashore is exposed to eroding. The breakwater will repair the location of the coastline, but it will non collar the on-going eroding in the coastal profile. On the contrary, it will to a varying grade, accelerate the eroding. It is rather normal that the beach disappears in forepart of a breakwater, and it will most frequently be necessary, after some old ages, to beef up the pes of the breakwater with a rubble revetment. A breakwater will diminish the release of deposits from the subdivision it protects and will hold a negative impact on the sediment budget along next shorelines.ApplicabilityA breakwater is a inactive construction, which protects the seashore against eroding and implosion therapy. Breakwaters were ( are ) frequently used at locations off exposed metropolis foreparts, where good protection was needed and where infinite was scarce. Promenades have frequently been constructed on top of these breakwaters. They are besides used along other less inhabited seashores, where combined seashore protection and sea defense mechanism is desperately needed. Breakwaters are chiefly used at open seashores, but they are besides used at reasonably open seashores.Definition of Revetment:A revetment is a facing of rock, concrete units or slabs, etc. , built to protect a scarp, the pes of a drop or a dune, a butch or a breakwater against eroding by wave action, storm rush and currents. This definition is really similar to the definition of a breakwater, nevertheless a revetment does non protect against deluging. Furthermore, a revetment is frequently a addendum to other types of protection such as breakwaters and butchs.Emergency ProtectionFrom Coastal WikiJump to: pilotage, hunt The undermentioned article discusses exigency protection of seashores. Emergency protection steps are by nature rapidly built and non good designed steps.MethodTypical edifice methods and stuffs are the undermentioned: Rock dumping. Without filter beds, frequently excessively steep and low, without proper toe protection, which means that they are unstable Sand sacking, sometimes supported by wooden hemorrhoids. Often excessively low and without toe protection etc. The cloth is non lasting, which means that such protection will fall in after a really short period Dumping of other sorts of material easy at manus, such as different sorts of concrete pieces, edifice stuffs, old tyres etc.Functional featuresEmergency protection steps are typically holding the undermentioned features: They are unstable and therefore non supplying proper protection They need changeless care and supply of new stuffs They are ever inactive, and promotes farther loss of beach They are botching the natural beauty of the beach They prevent transition of the beach They pollute the beach with unnatural elements, such concrete dust, bricks, gum elastic and plasticApplicabilityPrivate and public land proprietors are sometimes forced to â€Å" build † exigency protection at locations where â€Å" unexpected † eroding occurs. The exigency protection is installed in order to forestall farther harm to coastal installings. â€Å" Unexpected † can hold different causes as discussed in the followers: Unexpected can be in the signifier of a rare of utmost event, such as a tidal moving ridge state of affairs or the transition of cyclone Unexpected can be the development of ongoing eroding at locations where it has non been possible to supply financess for a proper and timely protection Unexpected can be due to miss of cognition to coastal procedures and/or informations, whereby eroding seems to be unexpected despite the fact that it could hold been foreseen if proper monitoring and coastal probes had been practised Emergency protection can to a great extent be avoided by proper monitoring, shaving and support.Definition of Bulkhead:A bulkhead is a construction or divider used to retain or forestall sliding of the land. A secondary intent is to protect the seashore against harm from wave action.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Epic of Gilgamesh: Values, & Serpents vs. Bible

The True Value of Life Sometimes, in order for you to change, it takes losing something so dear to you. This is proven in one of the oldest stories ever written, â€Å"The Epic of Gilgamesh†. Although the main plot is focused on Gilgamesh losing is closest friend and going on a journey of immortality, by studying Gilgamesh’s idea of avoiding death, we can see throughout the story that death is inevitable, lack of humility is an issue, and the symbol of the serpent. Gilgamesh, the king of Uruk, is a mighty king that built magnificent temple towers and high walls that surrounded the city.However, he came about these building projects by forced labor. The gods heard the people of Uruk’s pleas, so the gods created Enkidu, who is just as magnificent as Gilgamesh, to challenge him. The gods’ plan took a different turn when the two became best of friends. Gilgamesh’s happy adventurous life soon takes a tragic turn when Enkidu falls ill and dies. Gilgamesh now fears for his own life. Heartbroken, Gilgamesh sets out on a journey to find the key to eternal life. His journey leads him to Utnapishtim, who he and his family’s lives were spared by Ea, the god of wisdom, from the flood.As a result of this, Enlil, the god of earth, rewards Utnapishtim with eternal life. Gilgamesh assumes Utnapishtim can grant him eternal life as well, so he puts him to a test. Gilgamesh has to stay awake for a week; this is a trick because immortals don’t ever sleep. Gilgamesh immediately fails. As a second chance Utnapishtim gives him a plant of youth. On his journey back home a snake steals the plant while Gilgamesh is in the pond. Gilgamesh returns to Uruk empty handed; however, he returns as a different man. The greatest lesson Gilgamesh learns is that death is inescapable.Siduri, the goddess of wine disguised as the tavern keeper, warns him of seeking immortality. â€Å"As for you, Gilgamesh, let your belly be full, make merry day and nigh t. Of each day make a feast of rejoicing. Day and night dance and play! Let your garments be sparkling fresh, your head be washed; bathe in water. Pay heed to a little one that holds on to your hand, let a spouse delight in your bosom† (Tablet X). This is her telling him it would be pointless and to just enjoy what he has in his life now. It was Enkidu’s fate to die as a consequence after him and Gilgamesh killed the Bull of Heaven.Gilgamesh realizes in the end that it is also man’s fate to die, as it is for humankind to live on. Death is inevitable and immortality is promised only to the gods. Life must be treasured. Life isn’t worth living if you don’t take what is has to offer, for death will come faster than you know. Gilgamesh may have started his quest as two-thirds god and one-third man, but he returned as a man, realizing his own inevitable mortality. From being two-thirds god and one-third man, Gilgamesh is destined for perfection. He is bl essed with the luxurious life and all the riches he could possibly want.Unfortunately his greatest flaw is his arrogance and lack of humility. Gilgamesh was created by the gods to be perfect in every way. However, the gods couldn’t prepare him for life, its challenges, and how to be a true king. Gilgamesh lived like a god amongst his people and was hated for it because he didn’t care about anyone but himself. The gods didn’t know what to do with Gilgamesh’s life so they sent Enkidu which gave him true friendship. Gilgamesh started in the story as a cruel king that used forced labor to build his kingdom and would rape women.He would do whatever he wanted to do and get who and whatever he wanted. He was loathed by his people. The first transition to his change was Enkidu. They both became heroes. When his journey ends he returns to his kingdom as a new selfless man who thinks no more than do right by his people. Serpents play similar but at the same time di fferent roles in Gilgamesh and the Bible. In the story of Gilgamesh the serpent changes Gilgamesh’s perception of life. After his long quest he is given an herb that restores his youth. He hasn’t yet used it when a snake steals it.Though the snake robs Gilgamesh of his chance to enjoy youth again, it restores Gilgamesh’s sanity. The snake is a benefit. Gilgamesh now carries back the gift of wisdom. He now focuses on what is in front of him and doesn’t take life for granted. In the Bible, the serpent is a source of evil that brought life-long punishment to humankind. The serpent tempts Adam and Eve to disobeying God into taking what rightfully belongs to God – knowledge. As punishment, God exiles Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden and brands them as sinners.The serpent stole their innocence, so in a way the serpent brought both death and knowledge into the world. As descendent of Adam and Eve we also hold the name as a sinner. â€Å"This is the w all of Uruk, which no city on earth can equal. See how its ramparts gleam like copper in the sun. Climb the stone staircase, more ancient than the mind can imagine a temple that no king has equaled in size or beauty, walk on the wall of Uruk, follow its course around the city, inspect its mighty foundations examine its brickwork, how masterfully it is built, observe the land it encloses† (Book XI).Shortly before Gilgamesh’s eyes truly opened he was in despair because he lost his opportunity of immortality when he lost the plant of youth. In the end as he looked upon his kingdom he established wisdom. He realized that death cannot be avoided, and he became a humble king. If it wasn’t for the serpent he would still be the arrogant king he was and he wouldn’t have gain this knowledge. If the serpent didn’t bring along the idea of eating off the tree of knowledge, Adam and Eve would still be in the Garden of Eden and wouldn’t have the knowledge o f the world.